
A Little History

For the past 20 years, the Eastern DRC has been ravaged by conflict, violence, and war.  But Idjwi, geoographically separated from the mainland, has remained peaceful, cut off from the turnmoil.  However, Idjwi’s geographic separation from the mainland of the DRC also meant being cut off from most human services provided elsewhere in the DRC. 

The Crisis On Idjwi

Idjwi’s population of 300,000 is very poor, with minimal access to the basic necessities such as nutrition, power, sanitation, and transportation. As a result, their health is extremely poor and many deaths are due to curable and preventable diseases. To reach the hospital, residents travel on foot, often through harsh and dangerous conditions.

Idjwi Facts

Amani's Solution

In the center of this region is Idjwi Island in the Democratic Republic of Congo where Amani Global Works established and operates its first integrated primary healthcare system, combining referral hospital, clinics and community health workers.